Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Final Countdown

When I began writing this post, I started with the words "Two fridays ago, I put my two
weeks notice in..." Well - I have been working at my new job for three weeks now. (The title was
much more appropriate when I started writing this post too.) So you can see how long it's taken
me to wrap this up. I guess I just can't seem to say goodbye to this blog...
When I told one of my supervisors of my leave, her response was "What about your blog?" And to be honest, with the exception of the people I work with, that's about the only reason I'd have to stick around. This is where all of you either sigh with relief or gasp in despair. I'd rather not hear the answer in fear of finding out that I've wasted time on this blog.
Things I'll Miss:
-Fellow Employees:
Some of the people I work with at the store are the most compassionate and selfless people I've ever met. Recently, I learned news that a great family friend was close to passing and I really wanted to drive to Michigan to see her. Making a very long story very short - I arrived to work where two of my coworkers had orchestrated a plan for me to go (hearing of my news only fifteen minutes before) - finding a way to cover all of my shifts for the following three days on short notice. This meant more hours for them - less hours at home with their families - on a moment's notice. If you've worked in any field similar to mine - or if you've worked at all - you know how rare this is.
-Regular Customers:
I'm not going to lie - some of the customers are freaks. Plain and simple. That's clear across the board in America and across the world. But the regulars that come in, the ones where I can actually predict their behavior and reactions - I'm going to miss that.... and I guess I'll miss the crazies too.
-Shrek II:
I have seen Shrek II more than any person has seen any movie. Ever. It's on repeat from the moment we open until the moment we close. I time my day using that movie. I start the feature film when I open. And three Shreks later, I can go on break. My entire view on time is completely warped for the rest of my life.

Things I Won't Miss:
-Coughing and other Disrespectful Behavior Toward Humankind:
While coughing regularly occurs all around the world - all the time - it happens most often in a drugstore. Naturally. I mean - we do sell medicine. So during flu season, sick people tend to flock toward the store like white on rice - or ugly on ape (as my father says). Oh and something I learned when I started: cashiers are not people. So they absolutely LOVE to be coughed on. Don't bother covering your mouth, or coughing over your shoulder. No need. We have plenty of employees ready to lend a hand, and even more money lying around at home so we can take as much time off as possible to recover from the heinous disease you have just thrust upon us.
People are nasty and vicious at Christmas time. Unless you've worked retail - and I bet most of us have - it is hard to fathom how hateful people are during the holidays. Actually - we've all been shopping at Christmas time - so I'm going to go ahead and assume that all of us has encountered a grinch at Toys R Us one time or another. Remember the song "Christmas Shoes" - the one that makes you cry every time you hear it. The one about the cute little boy and his sick mother? And the kind old gent behind him who pays for the boy's shoes? Ain't gonna happen here, kiddo. In fact, you better watch that old fellar. You've got the last pair of shoes in the whole store and he'll beat you with a stick until you give them up.

While I might maybe remain 'on call' at CVS, I am really enjoying my new job at a credit union. So - until next time.....

Good luck and Godspeed.

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