Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapter Eight: 'I Like Turtles'

Okay - I'm sure no one else will find this funny... I'm also sure I'm the only one who finds any of these stories funny... but this morning, I was ringing up merchandise for an older gentleman and I asked my routine question "How are you doing today?" His response? "I have warts on my feet." Wow. Thanks for sharing. I laughed because, in my opinion, that has nothing to do with what I asked. For the rest of that particular transaction, I kept replaying the youtube video of the boy who completely disregarded the anchorwoman's question and gave some random and unnecessary information. I laughed because I knew what that anchorwoman felt like. I also laughed because - well, I was sleep-deprived and sick of the mundane same ole morning routine and NEEDED something to get me through. Watch the youtube video of the little boy. It's funny - much much funnier than my version.

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