Monday, August 16, 2010

Chapter Five: The 84 Year Old Little Kid

Tonight, an elderly man came into the store and immediately asked me for a shirt and shorts. I told him we had very very few options (as in one). I led him to the endcap where the shirts were and he said he wanted white. When I told him (atleast three times) that we were out of white, he finally settled for blue. I also warned him that our only pair of shorts were bright purple mesh shorts. He said that would be fine. Then he grabbed my arm and said "I'm going to be an eighty-four year old kid." Okay. Great. I led him back to the front where the shorts were located and asked him what size he was.... After much explaining that we didn't have size "34", but only the cheap "S, M, L" he chose Medium.

And for about the fourth time in our conversation, I suggested that Meijer or Walmart might have better choices. He disagreed again, saying he really really wanted to "trade" with me.
"I don't like Walmart," he said.
"Yeah, me either," I responded, sincerely.
"I went there once and they were very mean. I want to trade with you," he said pulling out a knife. (Seriously) "You like my knife?" He waved it at a me. I'm not sure it was a threat, but it was out of the blue.
"I found it. I really like it."
"Me too." I took a step back.
Luckily, another worker stepped in and called me aside, assuring the man we didn't have what he was looking for. And he left. It ended as abruptly as it began....
I have mixed feelings. I wish I could say it was a more interesting story to read. But it was such a bizarre situation to be apart of.
Like I said, I'm not sure he was threatening me. I couldn't understand what in the world was going on. But it was (thankfully) one of those things I can laugh about when I get home at the end of the day.

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